As many already know MyLife is an excellent source for finding out someone’s background and buying detailed information on individuals. Please check out MyLife and consider subscribing to its excellent services This said Dr. Clark pulled his own information during July 2021 and learned that his reputation is well above average (i.e., 15% above the national average) with all categories in the GREEN, as shown below.

Living in the Katy, Texas area and having heard of complaints against Jack in the Box for various issues at its Fry Road and Morton Ranch Road location, as well as being very aware of the past poor record of Jack in the Box on food safety issues, Dr. Clark (in July 2021) pulled up the reputation of its store manager for that location and it is shown below:

As shown the store manager at that store, when checked on the same day in July 2021, is in the “red category” with “Criminal or Civil Law Cases found on his Background,” and “Lawsuits, Liens or Bankruptcy found on his Background.” These are direct quotes in RED. Chris Edwards, who has made claims of overseeing more than twenty Jack in the Box locations and who according to his LinkedIn profile (also checked in July 2021) listed as his highest degree (unverified by Dr. Clark) a BS Business Management (from non-AACSB-accredited University of Phoenix) has admitted to hiring this store manager. Regarding the Jack in the Box store manager hired by Chris Edwards, MyLife gives the store manager a reputation score 46% below the national average. It also places the store manager’s family members, friends and acquaintances in the RED category.
With this being the case, persons might question the reputations of those running not just the Chris Edwards’ locations but ALL Jack in the Box sites and ask themselves if eating food where such individuals are in “responsible positions” is wise, especially when they recognize the multitude of serious food poisoning episodes that have occurred at various Jack in the Box eateries? (Readers of this blog, who have Dr. Clark’s permission to also post this information on their own websites, may find the reputation score of Chris Edwards VERY interesting — interesting much like that of the store manager he hired — if they search for Chris Edwards — an acquaintance of his store manager? — in the Katy, Texas area!) Moreover, with this being the case, Dr. Clark HIGHLY RECOMMENDS that individuals CONSIDER NOT EATING AT ANY JACK IN THE BOX AS LONG AS INDIVIDUALS SUCH AS THE AFOREMENTIONED ARE EMPLOYED BY JACK IN THE BOX. As Dr. Clark realizes there are thankfully many clean, honest, ethical restaurants and other establishments open during the day and night that seek to have those with better than average reputations managing their crucial tasks. Bon Appetit.