Award-Winning Premier Business Experts’ Enlightening Training & Tutoring Programs Teach Businesspersons How to Improve Output, Use New Technologies, and Better Compete in Today’s Global Economy!
The professionals at Premier Business Experts have taught many different courses at public and private educational institutions, as well as designed and implemented corporate training programs. Besides “A+ Awards” for teaching, research and service excellence, the individuals at Premier Business Experts have received top student evaluations, as well as “Most Excellent Mentor,” “Faculty Sponsorship,” “Betterment of Students” and “American Marketing Association Leadership” Awards to name just some. Moreover, they have been listed in various versions of Who’s Who, including Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers and Who’s Who of Business Leaders.
Premier Business Experts Design and Deliver Customized Corporate Training Programs to Improve Productivity and Profits!
Besides helping high-school and college students taking advanced coursework, as well as preparing major papers including theses and dissertations, at highly competitive rates, the professionals at Premier Business Experts conduct corporate training programs ranging from advertising to handling stress, hiring to firing, purchasing to selling, manufacturing to retailing, new product development to total quality management, and pricing to packaging. Thus, regardless of whether a client has a need for a half-day onsite program or a several-day offsite program, a short-term or long-term assignment taking place on weekends or during lunch, the leaders at Premier Business Experts desire to meet their clients’ needs!
While those at Premier Business Experts develop customized programs and materials for each client, five popular program areas include:
Basic Management Training
Developing High Productivity Teams
Improving Customer Satisfaction, Value & Retention
Managing Diversity
Practices of Management in the New Economy
Because the staffs at Premier Business Experts realize that upper-executives often want interdepartmental training programs, they can design sessions with this in mind. However, Premier Business Experts can also design programs for specific functional departments and those that are strictly related to functional areas of business, such as analyzing opportunities, developing strategies, designing offerings, managing delivery, handling complaints, etc. In short, the professionals at Premier Business Experts aim to please.
Solution: Although this retailer was aggressively targeting Hispanics and although it was doing well with Latinos, it was discovered that there were relatively few black sales representatives and little advertising in predominantly African-American media outlets. Based on these findings, as well as findings that there were some anti-black sentiments, training programs were introduced. In these training programs, racially sensitive issues were addressed head on, and employees’ recommendations were solicited. As a direct result of employee suggestions, this retailer (1) sponsored black history events, (2) hired more African-American sales representatives, (3) added some African-American retail themes, and (4) provided more products having strong African-American appeal. Because of the changes that came out of the Premier Business Experts’ Training Programs, this retailer doubled its sales to blacks. This, in turn, meant that overall profits increased by more than 5%, and each employee received more money due to this retailer’s profit sharing program.
Problem: While analyzing a durable goods retailer in search of new business opportunities, Premier Business Experts discovered that a particular retailer was not getting much traffic from African-American customers. This was despite relatively high levels of blacks living within its trade areas and despite these African-Americans having incomes similar to those of other ethnic groups in those trade areas.
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