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Monthly Archives: February 2014

“The financial advice you shouldn’t take.”

MSN.Com just posted an interesting article from MensHealth entitled “The financial advice you shouldn’t take.” In it they quote, Dr. Richard Borghesi, Ph.D. who coauthored a study at the University of Southern Florida. In that study, the authors examined the performance of stocks recommended over ten years by Kiplinger’s and SmartMoney.  The Kiplinger’s and SmartMoney so-called “expert” picks performed about […]

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Interesting Article on Page B7 of 2/6/14 Wall Street Journal

In an article entitled “For Small Work Projects, Try Renting an M.B.A.” it discussed how in major cities like NYC businesses are cropping up that are taking clients from the “Large Consulting Houses” and making major inroads with Fortune 1000 firms due to their lower overhead and due to their often having a greater expertise. The professionals at Premier Business Experts (1) have handled […]

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